Middle East Center
Middle East Center Sponsored Events
September 18, 2006
Dr. Kalid Amine, Abdelmalek Assaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco, “Performing Postcoloniality in the Moroccan Scene”
October 23, 2006
Dr. Sean Foley, “Shaykh Khalid and the Naqshbandiyya-Khalidiyya” (Brown Bag lunch lecture)
November 14, 2006
Dr. Aswan Hamza, “Higher Education in the Gulf”
November 8, 2007
Dr. Robert Satloff, “Countering Holocaust Denial in the Middle East: A New Approach,” (In connection with the MTSU Holocaust Studies Conference)
January 31, 2007
Lily Rivlin, “Can You Hear Me? Israeli and Palestinian Women Fight for Peace” (A film showing and discussion with director)
February 26, 2007
Dr. Ron Messier, “Allah and Dr. Buzzard: Muslim Slaves in America”
March 14, 2007
Dr. Gregory Gause, “The Iraq War: Causes and Consequences”
April 18, 2007
Dr. John Esposito, Georgetown University, “Islam and the West”
October 31, 2007
Dr. Waleed El-Ansary (Religions Studies, University of South Carolina), “Bridging the Gaps of Global Religions and Spirituality,” (In conjunction with the Third International Conference on Cultural Diversity)
February 11, 2008
Dr. Juan Cole (University of Michigan), “The Millennium in Pursuit: Shiite Opposition to the U.S. in Iraq”
April 19, 2008
Omar Faruk Tekbilik Ensemble (Turkey), Performances at MTSU and Vanderbilt
March 19, 2008
Dr. Said Ennahid, Al Akhawayn University, “The Archeology of Space in Arabic Poetry”
March 20, 2008
Kerry Foley, Somali Community Center, “Somali Immigrants in Middle Tennessee: Challenges and Opportunities”
March 24, 2008
Dr. Bill Levine, MTSU Department of English, “The Simulacrum of Jerusalem: Manufacturing the Religious Sublime in the Holy Land Experience Biblical Theme Park”
April 22, 2008
Miriam Sivan, “Contemporary Women Writing in Israel”
MTSU Distinguished Lecture Fund support
October 20, 2008
Dr Özkul Çobanoglu, “Tradition and Transformation in Ottoman Folk Culture”
April 6, 2009
Marjane Satrapi, “Persepolis: The Novel and the Film”
February 23, 2010
Heather Raffo, Iraqi American playwright (9 Parts of Desire), performance of her work.
Co-sponsored with Department of English, Depatment of Speech and Theatre (now two departments–the Department of Communication Studies and the Department of Theatre and Dance, MTSU Distinguished Lecture Fund, University Honors College.
March 2, 2010
Dr. Michael Gunter (Tennessee Technological University), “U.S. Foreign Policy on the Kurds”
Spring 2010
Nairoz Celebration (singing, dancing, food) at Garden Plaza. Main sponsor: MTSU Kurdish Student Organization
April 8, 2010
Saudi Festival Day (with Saudi Student Association)
Oct. 26, 2011
Showing of Min Dit (Before your Eyes) with director Miraz Bezar
April 4, 2011
Etgar Keret, Israeli Writer (The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God), with the support of the MTSU Distinguished Lecture Fund
Febuary 28, 2012
Dr. Thuraya Abdulla, Visiting Fulbright Scholar, University of Bahrain, “Pearl of the Gulf: A View of Bahrain” (co-sponsored by University Honors College, Department of Mathematical Sciences, and the Office of International Affairs)
April 5, 2012
Ibrahim al-Husseini, Performance of his play “Comedy of Sorrows” discussion with the playwright following performance) In conjunction with “Voices of the Revolution: The Arab Spring” with Vanderbilt University
October 23, 2013
A showing of Prince among Slaves. Co-sponsored by the Walker Library, with support from an NEH gran, Am. Library Assoc. Distinguished Lectures Fun, and the Middle East Center
November, 4 2013
Dr. Mustafa Bayoumi (Brooklyn College). “How Does it Feel To Be a Problem? Arab American Life and U.S. Foreign Policy), Cosponsored with Walker Library
March 22, 2016
Sayed Kashua (Palestinian-Israeli Writer who writes in Hebrew), a reading. (In conjunction with events at Vanderbilt University)
April 6, 2016
Showing of Ossama Mohammed’s film Silvered Water, Syrian Self Portrait, an innovative documentary on the Syrian Civil War
October 4, 2022
Dr. Carl Ernst, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, “Islam, Arabic, and Slavery in Early America: The Arabic Writings of Omar Ibn Said (1770-1863)
Nov. 8, 2022
Dr. Zaid Brifkani (Kurdish American novelist and MTSU alum), A Reading
March 16, 2024
Nourouz Celebration, with singing, dancing and food
Contact Us
Dr. Mohammad Meerzaei, Director
(615) 898-5773
JUB 304A
Mailing Address:
MTSU Box 73
Murfreesboro, TN 37132